Wednesday 17 September 2014

1) What were the five stories your group chose to broadcast?

Greenford news story: Ghs receives 2 educational outcome awards from Specialist schools and academies trust.

National news story: The deadly disease across Africa.

London news story: Teenager Nahid found dead with 16 stab wounds on a path on Tuesday, while James Attfield died when he was stabbed 102 times.

Sports news story: Nigerian Coach stands down from his role after Nigeria were defeated.

Funny news story: New invention made called the Double Face Toilet where you can do your business while talking to someone.

2) For each story above, explain WHY you chose that particular story and not something else. Why would it interest a Greenford audience?

 Greenford news story: We chose this story because I thought it was the only interesting story to do with Greenford High School and also it showcases how amazing Ghs is.

National news story: We chose this story because Africa has been a big shoutout when it comes to diseases and fining out that there is a new disease is something big because they are already affected by other side affects they are already facing.

London news story: We chose this story because a lot of children and adults are dying by being stabbed and it was a coincidence that they both died by being stabbed. Also most stories in the news are about violence and teenage death so I decided to choose it.

Sports news story: We chose this story because many people may have a different point of view to why the Nigerian Coach quit his spot as coach - right after Nigeria lost. It would interest people in Greenford because at this time nearly everyone is watching The World Cup.

Funny news story: We chose this story because when we first read the story we thought it was funny. We also thought because all the other stories were serious, we would put a really funny story on to make the people watching laugh.

3) What order did you broadcast the stories in? Why did you place the stories in that order?

at first we wanted to put it in a random order but then we had different stories and it would really make sense if we put them randomly we wanted to make the ending less serious.

4) How did you make sure the script was the right length?

we had to summarise it and take the important points and we also had to rehearse it we only had 60 seconds to fit everything together.

5) How did you make sure each story was clear and easy to understand?

well Yasmin wrote it out in perfect English so she could understand  what she wrote in order to rehearse. 

6) How did you make sure the broadcast was professional?

7) What was your specific role in the group?

well i helped write the script and yasmin performed 

8) Rate your group’s ability to work collaboratively out of 5 (1=poor, 5=excellent)

 i would say 3 we could of put more effort into it.

9) How could your group have worked more effectively as a team?]

by cooperating and all taking part in the activity that was set 

10) Finally, what would you have done differently if you were given the opportunity to do this again?

be more organised set everything to place put people in their potions and cooperate more and work together.

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